Chemical Laboratory
Our Chemical research laboratory specializes in the development, production, and analytical testing of custom-made materials.

Development and production of materials
The laboratory has a variety of chemical reactors with and without temperature control that allow the production of unique materials in quantities from 1 gram to about 1 kg. The processes are in a temperature range between 0 and 100 degrees Celsius. Temperature control by chillers for cooling and heating jackets for high temperatures.
A microwave synthesizer for accelerated synthesis of materials in microwave conditions for pilots and new methods development.
Extraction and purification of materials
Extraction and production of substances from plants: plant extracts, oils, and solid compounds.
Extraction and production of materials from animal tissues: various proteins, DNA, RNA, and plasma.
Purification of substances from mixtures using classic chemical methods such as phase separations and chromatography.
Purification of materials from mixtures using high performance liquid chromatography methods.
Purification of substances on dedicated affinity columns produced in the laboratory on demand.

Concentration and freeze drying
Concentration of materials by evaporation in a vacuum in a rotary vaporizer.
Concentration and drying of materials by freeze drying in a lyophilizer.
Concentration and drying of materials in the oven.
Formulation and bottling
Creating formulas of the material to order.
Division of the ingredients into portions and bottling.
Work with a wide variety of raw materials and products in a chemical hood with an air purification system.